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Badass Is The New Black

Want killer organizational hacks and professional sales page design tips?

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For someone who dreams about helping other mamas create the life they want, avoid the 9-5, and stay home to be the primary influencer in their kids' lives... today is a milestone for me!

What do you mean, you ask?

So, it's not for popularity or fame, but to make an impact, and to affect people's lives. To do this you must be able to reach "the people".

Gaining social exposure is not only good for business but it is my way into the lives of those dreaming about how to create their ideal life.

Image of the "Brand Clarity & Confidence Workbook" with a call to action to download, offering a resource for Christian women entrepreneurs to overcome branding challenges.

By sharing the skills God gave me, my exposure, audience - whatever you want to call it - grows.

Share this episode to support this woman entrepreneur.

Public speaking feels like a pipedream, most days, but TODAY is proof that it just takes one step at a time to reach your goals and live your dream.


Go give my episode (#2) a listen and, if you're so inclined, hit share. Because today, this is just a small example of how dreams can come true.*

You can find the Badass is the New Black Podcast host, Krissy Chin at www. and find her blog post about this episode here.

*Dreams would never be possible without a killer support system. A huge thank you goes out to my backbone, Matthew Teel of Environmental Landscape Management, and a few other badass peeps who keep motivating me on the regular include Emily Ingold, Kala Arrington, Kayla Duffey of Kayla Duffey Photography, Sydney Summers Helms of The Sydney Brand, and, of course, our Badass is the New Black podcast host, Krissy Chin. Thank you for believing in me.

Love your life!

P.S. Grab your FREE copy of my eBook, so you don't design a website that sucks. Click here for a link.

Images showcasing community and connection among Christian women, with the call to action "Join The WE/Me Community" to foster support and growth.


Unlock Your Dream Business with Free Tools & Training

Download free resources to clarify your brand, build a stunning website, and grow your business God's way.


About the Author

Hey! I'm Tiffanie.

I help women design a life they love, full of passion, focus on their God-calling, and income.

Join a community of women who want this too! The WE/Me Community fosters connections, collaboration, and support, as we uplift and inspire one another on our faith and entrepreneurial journeys!

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