I am a stay-at-home mama, but my husband and I have owned our own business since 2001. Needless to say, my duties for our business didn’t completely go away when mommy duties arrived. It is very important to have #MyBoy sleep good and for long stretches because I get my best work done fast, when he is sleeping.
What do I use and how do I use it?
Lavender + Cedarwood + Peace & Calming + Roman Chamomile

I pre-blend my essential oils for diffusing, in order to always have the right combo and cut down on the time it takes to prepare #MyBoy and his bedroom for nighttime. In an empty essential oils bottle, blend 40 drops of Lavender, 10 drops of Roman Chamomile, 20 drops of Cedarwood and 20 drops of Peace & Calming. Shake well, and add the right amount to your kiddos’ diffuser before bedtime. (Each diffuser holds a maximum number of essential oil drops. Read your diffuser’s instructions. Ours holds 8-12 drops; therefore, this blend last us 10-12 nights.) If they don’t sleep all night the first few nights, I bet you at least see the number of straight sleep hours increase each night. Be patient and look for small changes that will add up over several nights.
Lavender (40 drops) Roman Chamomile (10 drops) Cedarwood (20 drops) Peace & Calming (20 drops)
For topical use, I have a roll-on bottle with Lavender made up for boo-boos and sleep. This is one of the amazing things about essential oils! One oil can be the solution for so many things. For us, I blend a 1/4-1/3 Lavender to 3/4-2/3 Carrier Oil. (I prefer Grapeseed Oil for roll-ons that will be applied anywhere to my head, face or neck. It is less greasy.) This roll-on is great for calming #MyBoy while getting him ready for bed. I apply it to his feet, wrists and/or the back of his neck. As mentioned, this is also our boo-boo roll-on. I put it on any boo-boos, to help reduce recovery-time and reduce left-over blemishes.
I also have a roll-on bottle with Gentle Baby. This can be made & used the same way as lavender, for sleep or boo-boos. I keep both roll-ons handy and use them interchangeably. If you want to know which essential oils I use and trust, please click here.
Now that we are in a good sleep-routine, I am sure we could change our recipes and use of essential oils without affecting the number of hours #MyBoy sleeps, but I haven’t taken the time to experiment with other blends. If you have experience reducing the amount of essential oils you use after creating good sleep patterns, or a blend that works well for your children, share in the comments below. I love to collaborate, and would love to receive your feedback. Please Note: the FDA would appreciate it if you would make note that I am not a doctor. I cannot offer medical advice, diagnose, treat or refer you to any anticancer oils for disease. I love essential oils, and I am passionate about sharing what I discover and experience as they support a healthy lifestyle for our family. I encourage you to ask your doctor about essential oils, do as much research as you can, take it slow and learn your body & how it responds to essential oils. Essential Oils are amazing little drops, but they are also very powerful. Take control of your body and change the way you look at wellness.