Tonight, I am feeling quite sentimental. It’s something about having “the best time of my life”…
In my last blog, I told you that we were growing our family by two feet. Those two feet arrived on July 26, 2014 at 1:42 a.m. Jameson Rhett Fisher Teel was 8 pounds and 20 inches long. The last 6 months have flown by and been more than amazing!!! Motherhood has come very natural for me. I feel peaceful, harmonious and a love that has no end. I’ve said to many of you “there is no timing like God’s timing.” Here’s a little history to help explain what I mean… When Matt and I married, we weren’t sure if we every wanted children. For those of you that know me well, you may relate this to the fact that I am the eldest of 6 children; you may not understand because you saw that I helped nurture those younger siblings; or you may understand because who would want to do it again, when you feel like you already helped raise a lot of kids. Regardless, we did reserve the right to change our minds… which we did! It wasn’t until we enjoyed each other as husband and wife, had a lot of ups and downs, and traveled to a lot of places around the world. Finally, we changed our minds. Around 2010, we decided that we did, in fact, want a family. It took a long 4+ years to conceive. During that time, we had many questions about our future; why us, did we wait too long; are we too old? Questions ga
lore; emotions galore; and then one day… we were pleasantly surprised! We had a little peanut on the way. This is what I meant by “there’s no timing like God’s timing.” I don’t reflect on the past with much regret. It’s a wasteful emotion. Rather, I try to take the good and learn from the bad. Therefore, I can tell you honestly, God waited until the perfect time to give us our blessing He had for us all along. If the timing were anything else, I wouldn’t have the reflection on my life as I do. Today, my life is full of blessings that I adore and acknowledge. My husband, Matthew B. Teel, is such a marvelous man. He projects genuine, unconditional love on us daily. The kind of love that teaches me to be a better mother, wife, sister, daughter, in-law and friend. I know that he thinks about his family before himself; works to provide for us and not himself; and wants everything for us and less for himself. For the last year, I savored pregnancy, preparing for our first child, and since our son’s arrival, the freedom to be a full-time mother. I have taken more delight in this than any of my other jobs. Watching Rhett change, grow and learn is a miracle. (I do believe we have a baby genius on our hands, folks. Ever heard that from a mom? Seriously!! I will have to save all of my favorite things about motherhood for another blog because I could go on and on. Rather…) I want the world to know that it is because of my hubby that I am having “the best time of my life!” And, therefore, he is my definition of love!

Thank you, babe, for allowing me to mother our precious son. Being a full-time mommy to him has already been the most amazing experience of my life, and I’m overjoyed to be sharing it with you!
Here’s a little photo tour of pregnancy, newborn and a few between newborn and 6 months… If you’d like to follow Rhett’s growth, please follow him here.
Maternity Photos by KMS Photography


4 Months

6 Months

Post your favorite newborn-12 month photos below in the comments!